Chronic Migraines: Treatment and Prevention
January 9, 2023
Migraines aren’t just a typical headache. Chronic migraines can wreak havoc on a person’s life. If you’ve experienced these extreme episodes, you know they are very painful and can have someone disabled for very long periods of time. Chronic migraines are a very real challenge, but thankfully, some things can be done to treat them.
What is a Migraine, and What Causes it?
A migraine is a type of headache characterized by recurrent attacks of moderate to severe head pain that is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound.
Migraine headaches are believed to be caused by the dilation and contraction of blood vessels around the brain.
Migraines can be caused by factors such as dehydration, stress, or withdrawal from caffeine.
Medical experts are still unsure what the exact causes are, but the consensus is a temporary abnormal brain function and misfiring of nerves.
Medical Treatment Options for Severe and Chronic Migraine
The two most common treatments for severe and chronic migraine are Botox and nerve blocks.
Botox is a procedure where injections of purified botulinum toxin are made into the muscle tissue of the forehead to reduce the muscle contractions in this region, which can lead to headaches.
Nerve blocks work by injecting pain medication (such as anesthetic or cortisone) around certain nerves in the neck, head, or face.
Holistic remedies include treatments such as acupuncture and biofeedback.
Click here for more information on medications, remedies, and medical treatments.
What Medicines are Available for treatment?
Anti-seizure medicines, along with beta-blockers and anti-depressants, are all within the realm of choices doctors go to to find treatments for their patient’s pain. Some aren’t advisable for pregnant women, or women who are attempting pregnancy, so keep that in mind!
How can Chronic Migraines be Prevented?
Depending on why they occur, chronic migraines can sometimes be prevented by certain lifestyle changes, such as drinking more water, working out, and eating better. But, sometimes, the causes are more complex than that, and prevention requires medical intervention. Those preventative measures can come in many forms, such as Botox, Calcium blockers, and certain supplements.
One typical supplement used to prevent migraines is magnesium. Magnesium interacts with the chemicals in the brain and can stop a migraine before it happens. For more information on using magnesium to treat chronic migraines, click here.
What will Happen During an Appointment to Find Treatment?
A specialist will sit with you and ask a range of questions surrounding your family history, genetics, and lifestyle. If further testing is needed, an MRI or CT scan may be needed, and then from there, treatment will be decided based on input from yourself and your doctor.
Migraines don’t have to take over your life; you don’t have to wait out the pain. Take control of your pain management and contact us to gather more information on how we can help you on your journey to a pain-free life!